Welcome to the EOSC-Pillar IT Service Registry Virtual Research Environment public space!
This is a web-based environment showcasing Service Providers and Services stemming from Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures. In particular, the entries reported in the Registry are those collected by the Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure (ICDI), the forum comprising representatives of major Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures.
Service Providers and Services are described by a rich set of metadata conforming with the specifications promoted by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) thus to facilitate the interoperability between this Registry and the overall EOSC Catalogue.
Two typologies of users and uses are envisaged:
- Users willing to simply consult the Registry to be aware of existing Service Providers and Services can do that by clicking on the Catalogue item above and search & browse the registry contents.
- Users willing to collaboratively contribute to the Registry development (by either adding candidate entries or commenting on existing entries) are requested to join the virtual research environment by clicking on the Access the VRE button.